A New Feature I’m Very Excited About

Jozsef Torsan
3 min readDec 9, 2017


This year I implemented many new features in Bookmark Ninja. The majority of the new features were requested by the users but there were also some features that I decided to add. The new feature I’m currently working on is “sharing tabs”.

Currently all the bookmarks in Ninja are private by default. With “sharing tabs” users will be able to make a tab public and send the automatically generated link, that points to the tab, to anybody. The shared tab will be read-only.

There are several reasons why I’m very excited about this feature:

  1. With being able to share tabs users can quickly share their bookmarks with their friends. Additionally they can also create kind of directory listings in specific topics and hobbies, that can be valuable resources for the ones who are interested in those topics.
  2. This is the feature where I spent the most time with designing the UI and the UX. I had many plans in my mind how to implement it but they were all too complicated. I really wanted to come up with a very simple “single click” solution which is also powerful at the same time. Finally, I think I managed to design a very simple, user friendly workflow.
  3. I’m sure that this feature will be very useful for most of the the users and they will love it but I also think that it will help promoting Ninja, too. The more users will share their tabs (bookmarks) on the social networks the more people will know about Ninja.
  4. My goal has always been not to make Ninja a social bookmarking site and I still think this is the right way to go. But I want to add features that make possible to integrate with social network providers like Facebook or Twitter. This is a different story than being a social bookmarking site. Users will be able to share the tabs on Facebook and Twitter with just one click (and of course they will be able to email the link or copy the link to the clipboard, too).
  5. This is the first time I implement a kind of an enterprise feature that can meet some specific demands in an enterprise environment, too. Other than sharing the tabs (links) on the social networks, it can be pretty useful to share and manage work related links with your coworkers. Not just individuals but companies also reached out me this year and requested the sharing.

I already finished coding the server side and the desktop UI part of the client side. What is left is the coding of the mobile web UI. Of course I plan to update the website landing page, too, I will add a dedicated section about the tab sharing. And I will update the Ninja blog, too, which is kind of a user guide and knowledge base for the users.

Originally I planned to release this feature in January 2018, but it seems I can finish it earlier, so it may go live even this year. Can’t wait to deploy the final build and read the first user feedback.



Jozsef Torsan
Jozsef Torsan

Written by Jozsef Torsan

Founder & software engineer. Creator of the Bookmark Ninja online bookmark manager. https://www.bookmarkninja.com/

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